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Concha Espina

Biography of Concha Espina, Spanish writer

Click here if you want to see this biography in Spanish translation. Biography of Concha Espina, Spanish writer, contemporary of the literary generation of 98, one of the best representatives of the culture of Spain and one of the most relevant values ​​of universal literature. Her great merits made her a candidate for the Nobel …

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Joanne Rowling

Biography of Joanne Rowling, British novelist

Click here if you want to see this biography in Spanish translation. Biography of Joanne Rowling, sympathetic British author who achieved surprising publishing success with her “Harry Potter” novels. The first novel was followed by six others. The “Harry Potter” series has been one of the literary phenomena in history. Joanne Rowling, creator of the …

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Corin Tellado

Biography of Corín Tellado, Spanish novelist

Click here if you want to see this biography in Spanish translation. Biography of Corín Tellado, Spanish writer of romantic literature. She is the author who has sold the most books in the Spanish language. More than 400 million copies of her novels have been sold. Why Corín Tellado was such a resounding success Corín …

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Pearl Buck

Biography of Pearl Buck, American writer

Click here if you want to see this biography in Spanish translation. Biography of Pearl Buck, the first American woman to win the prestigious Nobel Prize for Literature. This award was granted to her in 1938. Previously, in 1932, she had won the also prestigious Pulitzer Prize. Literary merits of the writer Pearl Buck When …

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Isabel Allende

Biography of Isabel Allende, Chilean novelist

Click here if you want to see this biography in Spanish translation. Biography of Isabel Allende, Chilean writer of great editorial success, member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters and Chilean National Literature Prize. Isabel Allende is a bestselling novelist. The total number of books sold exceeds 70 million copies. Her novels have …

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Emily Bronte

Biography of Emily Brontë, British novelist

Click here if you want to see this biography in Spanish translation. Biography of Emily Brontë, author of “Wuthering Heights“, the novel that became a classic of English literature and is currently immediately identified with this young woman, who was 26 years old at the time. Emily Brontë is the author of “Wuthering Heights” “Wuthering …

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