Click here if you want to see this biography in Spanish translation. Biography of Adriana Valdés Budge, a prominent Chilean essayist. She is the first woman chosen as director of the Chilean Academy of Language. She assumed this position in January 2019. She has been a professor of literature at the Catholic University of Chile. …
Biography of Marlene Ahrens, Chilean athlete
Click here if you want to see this biography in Spanish translation. Biography of Marlene Ahrens, Chilean athlete who, with a javelin throw, won for Chile the first Olympic medal won by a woman. This victory was achieved at the “Melbourne Olympics” in 1956. She also won two gold medals at the Pan American Games, …
Biography of Isabel Allende, Chilean novelist
Click here if you want to see this biography in Spanish translation. Biography of Isabel Allende, Chilean writer of great editorial success, member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters and Chilean National Literature Prize. Isabel Allende is a bestselling novelist. The total number of books sold exceeds 70 million copies. Her novels have …
Biography of Gabriela Mistral, Chilean poet
Click here if you want to see this biography in Spanish translation. Biography of Gabriela Mistral, Chilean poet. In 1945, the Swedish Academy of Literature awarded the Nobel Prize to Lucila Godoy Alcayaga, a Chilean teacher (literary pseudonym: Gabriela Mistral) who, in addition to exercising her pedagogical functions, wrote poems. The representative of the Academy …
Biography of Violeta Parra, Chilean Singer
Click here if you want to see this biography in Spanish translation. Biography of Violeta Parra Sandoval, singer, singer-songwriter, painter, sculptor, embroiderer and Chilean ceramist. She was an effective popularizer of popular music in Chile. Her contribution to the Chilean artistic and musical work had great national diffusion and an enormous international artistic significance. Violeta …
María Teresa Ruiz, Chilean Astronomer
Click here if you want to see this biography in Spanish translation. Biography of María Teresa Ruiz González, Chilean astronomer specialized in the study of low-mass dwarf stars. She discovered a supernova at the time of explosion. She also discovered two planetary nebulae and Kelu-1 (a system of two brown dwarfs located in the Hydra …
Biography of Marcela Contreras, Chilean doctor
Click here if you want to see this biography in Spanish translation. Biography of Marcela Contreras Arriagada, a Chilean doctor. She is internationally recognized for her ability to organize blood services through scientific work. Dr. Contreras is an expert in Hematology and Immunology, and a Chilean-British university professor. Professional importance of Dr. Marcela Contreras She …